Cloud ETL, IoT, BI, Big Data & Apps en Argentina

Casos de Exito

ETL Price Update

We have created an efficient ETL system designed for downloading suppliers' price lists from their official websites. This process included essential transformations to migrate a DOS system to binary files in C++, all managed through an interface developed in JAVA. In addition, we implemented a web application that facilitates the loading of supplier coefficients, crucial for updating prices in the final system. The final system is a smart combination of bash scripting, ETL in Python and a dedicated application for efficient coefficient management. This synergy ensures an integrated and optimized workflow to keep our end system up to date and functional.

Epidemiology Interoperability SISA

En el marco de nuestra colaboración, hemos desarrollado un procedimiento avanzado de nteroperabilidad que facilita la integración entre laboratorios y el Ministerio de Salud de Argentina. Este proceso implica la recepción de resultados de laboratorio a través de interfaces especializadas, seguido de un meticuloso proceso de mapeo mediante las API proporcionadas por el Sistema Integrado de Información Sanitaria Argentino (SISA). Posteriormente, los datos resultantes son transmitidos de manera eficiente a la plataforma SISA, garantizando una gestión efectiva del seguimiento de epidemias.

Gastronomy Supplies

Development of an ERP system, both web and mobile, designed specifically for the integrated management of distributors. This system encompasses a store with robust inventory management, purchase order generation and automatic price updates through Excel and PDF files. In addition, it offers advanced functionalities such as current accounts and electronic invoicing. To improve efficiency, we have integrated API's that allow the conversion of PDF lists to Excel, thus facilitating the further processing of items. Our solution is deployed in conjunction with AWS and Azure cloud platforms, ensuring a robust and scalable environment to meet the most demanding business management needs.


We developed a comprehensive Vehicle Technical Inspection System that encompasses wafer management and vehicle test equipment control. This system, accessible through both web and mobile platforms, is complemented with a desktop interface implemented with QT to efficiently monitor and control vehicle test equipment. We offer accurate wafer allocation and automatic generation of vehicle certificates, with instant notifications via WhatsApp to keep our customers informed in a timely and effective manner.